martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


24 Activistas anti-guerra  y de  Solidaridad Internacional han sido llamados al gran jurado de los estados Unidos, en la Ciudad de Chicago, por el abogado general Patric Fitzgerald. Estos Activistas no han cometido ningun delito, lo unico que han echo es protestar y denunciar las guerras que los Estados Unidos estan llevando a nivel mundial, como tambien han estado en solidaridad con los movimientos de los pueblos en Colombia y Palestina.

Los 23 activistas estan sienddo perseguidos por su solidaridad con los pueblos oprimidos como tambien por rechazar tada invervencion de Los Estados Unidos. Actualmente ellos estan siendo acosados por no querer cooperar con esta caceria de brujas que el gobierno Estado Unidense esta llevando en contra de los movimientos en que ellos estan participando. El abogado general de los estados unidos sigue trabajando para poner a estos activistas tras las rejas.

Por los motivos antes mencionados este comite hace un llamado a las organizaciones sociales de nuestro querido pais a que se sumen y apoyen a estos activistas que estan siendo perseguidos por el simple hecho de apoyar a nuestros pueblos.

All 23 of the targeted activists said that they will not cooperate with this witch hunt against the movements so many of us have worked to build. The U.S. attorney is working to put these activists in prison. Whether some of them indicted, or others are jailed for refusing to testify, the threat is very real.
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We are getting people of conscience together with our new Pledge to Resist FBI and Grand Jury Repression. When there are indictments or imprisonments, we are pledging to take immediate action against attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists.
Click this link for the pledge:
Here is the pledge:
Pledge to resist FBI, Grand Jury repression
Actions planned if anti-war and international solidarity activists are called to Grand Jury or indicted
23 anti war and international solidarity activists have been subpoenaed to appear in front of a Grand Jury in Chicago, headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. They have done nothing wrong. They have educated and organized against U.S. wars around the world. And they have stood in solidarity with the peoples of Palestine and Colombia.
All 23 of the targeted activists said that they will not cooperate with this witch hunt against the movements so many of us have worked to build. The U.S. attorney is working to put these activists in prison. Whether some of them indicted, or others are jailed for refusing to testify, the threat is very real.
We will carry forward the fight for our right to speak out, organize and to stand in solitary with those who want freedom. We will stand up to any escalation of the attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists. We will join the national day of protest when anti-war and international solidarity activists are ordered to appear in front of the Chicago Grand Jury or indicted.
Anti-war and international solidarity activism is not a crime!

Sign the pledge.
For a print version that you can use at the March 19 Anti-War protests click here.
In struggle,
Tom Burke, for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Copyright © 2011 Committee to Stop FBI Repression, All rights reserved. 
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the fight against FBI repression. As you can see, we have moved to a new format for our Listserv. 
Our mailing address is: 
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
PO Box 14183
MinneapolisMN 55415

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“Ningún pueblo de América Latina es débil, porque forma parte de una familia de doscientos millones de hermanos que padecen las mismas miserias, albergan los mismos sentimientos, tienen el mismo enemigo, sueñan todos un mismo mejor destino y cuentan con la solidaridad de todos los hombres y mujeres honrados del mundo entero.” (Segunda declaración de la Habana)

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