lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008


Di NO a la Intervención Estadounidense en las Elecciones Salvadoreñas!
La Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores Salvadoreña, Marisol Argueta, ya está cabildeando para que Estados Unidos intervenga en las próximas elecciones salvadoreñas.

En su discurso en el American Enterprise Institute (AEI) del pasado 18 de Septiembre declaró que “perder a El Salvador” (si la oposición gana las elecciones) pondría en peligro la seguridad y los intereses nacionales tanto de El Salvador como de los Estados Unidos. Estados Unidos debe “hacer más” y “poner más atención” agregó.

Firma la petición ciudadana pidiendo al gobierno del Presidente Saca que:

ü Sus servidores públicos no tomen ventaja de sus cargos para influir a la opinión pública sobre quien debe ganar las elecciones;

ü Exija a la Ministra una explicación por sus declaraciones;

ü Respete la soberanía del pueblo Salvadoreño para elegir a sus líderes libremente.

Puede leer o escuchar el discurso completo de la ministra en:

La Fundación SHARE está recolectando firmas para esta carta dirigida al presidente Saca. Si desea firmar la petición por favor contacte a la Fundación SHARE, especificando su nombre, ciudad y estado. Para más información también puede llamarnos al 202-319-5542. La fecha límite para firmar es el viernes 10 de Octubre.

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President of the Republic of El Salvador
Elias Antonio Saca
Presidential House, San Salvador
Dear President Saca:
We, the undersigned, are Salvadoran residents of the the United States and friends of the Salvadoran people who follow what happens in this country closely. We would like to express our concern for the statements made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marisol Argueta, during her speech at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, DC on Thursday, September 18, 2008.
In her speech, the Minister expressed that the upcoming presidential elections in El Salvador will be the most contested in the history of El Salvador, and she implored the U.S. government to "do more" and requested that the U.S. "must pay close attention to what is happening in El Salvador, and to the resulting geopolitical and national security consequences." Argueta expressed that "losing El Salvador [understood to mean if the opposition party were to win the elections] will be a lose-lose situation for the security and national interests of both El Salvador and the United States. It will generate freedom cutting measures, it will produce instability in El Salvador and the United States, and it will have the potential of making El Salvador go back 30 years in history when Central America was in turmoil." The Minister also cited the late President Ronald Reagan when he said, "Tonight, the security of the United States is at stake in El Salvador," in an attempt to establish similarities between the current political situation and that of the 1980s. She asserted that during her visit to Washington, she would meet with representatives in the U.S. Congress and the Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, in order to express to them the same message.
We consider these declarations inappropriate when pronounced by a government agent on official business financed by the Salvadoran government. It concerns us that Salvadoran government officials plead to the United States for intervention in the democratic process without respecting the commitment already expressed by U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, Charles Glazer, that the United States will not intervene in the Salvadoran elections and that the United States will respect the decisions of the Salvadoran people. It is imperative to honor Article 83 of the Salvadoran Constitution, which establishes that "El Salvador is a sovereign nation. Sovereignty resides in the people, who exercise it in a prescribed manner and within the limits of this Constitution." People exercise their sovereignty by selecting their own governors and representatives, and as such, the act of calling on a foreign country and inviting officials of that country to violate this sovereignty is an insult to the Salvadoran people.
For the above mentioned reasons, we ask that your government officials do not take advantage of their positions as public figures in order to influence national and international public opinion about who should win the elections. We ask the Legislative Assembly to require the Minister of Foreign Affairs to explain the rationale of her statements while she was on official duty. Salvadorans have the right to elect their representatives freely, by means of the vote, set in the framework of the Rule of Law. It is for these reasons that it is El Salvador's duty to assure that the upcoming elections are carried out in a free, fair, and transparent manner.
Your Name, City, State
Cc/ Marisol Argueta - Salvadoran Minister of Foreign Affairs
Guillermo Antonio Gallegos Navarrete - National Republican Alliance (ARENA)
Humberto Centeno Najarro - Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)
Luis Roberto Angulo Samayoa - National Conciliation Party (PCN)
Coronel Carlos Rolando Herrarte - Democratic Christian Party
Dr. Hector Miguel Antonio Dada Hirezi - Democratic Center (CD)
Ambassador Charles Glazer - U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador
Dr. Condoleeza Rice - Secretary of State of the United States of America

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“Ningún pueblo de América Latina es débil, porque forma parte de una familia de doscientos millones de hermanos que padecen las mismas miserias, albergan los mismos sentimientos, tienen el mismo enemigo, sueñan todos un mismo mejor destino y cuentan con la solidaridad de todos los hombres y mujeres honrados del mundo entero.” (Segunda declaración de la Habana)

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