miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Free the Cuban 5

International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Message from Gerardo Hernandez after being released from "the hole"

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

I am dictating these words via telephone, which is why I must be brief and I will not be able to say everything I would have liked. Yesterday afternoon I was removed from "the hole" with the same speed in which I was thrown in. I had been taken there supposedly because I was under investigation. These investigations can take up to three months, sometimes more, but I was there 13 days. As a known Cuban journalist would say; you can draw your own conclusions...

I want to express to all of you my deep gratitude. You know that they were particularly difficult days due to the excessive heat and the lack of air, but you all were my oxygen. I can't find a better way to summarize the enormous importance of your solidarity efforts.

Many thanks to all the compañeras and compañeros from Cuba and around the world who joined their voices to condemn my situation. Thanks to the institutions, organizations and individuals of goodwill that in one way or another worked to bring an end to this injustice.

To our President Raúl, that so honors us with his support. To the Cuban National Assembly and its President Ricardo Alarcón, a tireless fighter for the cause of the Five. To my four brothers, who sent me messages of encouragement, and who have also suffered and lived under constant risk of suffering similar abuses. And of course, to our dear Commander in Chief: Thank you for so much honor! (I don't know if I should say it, but just the privilege of hearing my name in Fidel's voice makes me feel like thanking those who put me in "the hole"...)

Thank you Comandante, for the joy of hearing you and seeing you as great as ever!

Thanks to everyone for having demonstrated again the power of solidarity which, without a doubt, will one day make us free.

The struggle continues!
A big embrace,

Gerardo Hernández Nordelo
US Penitentiary, Victorville, CA
August 3rd, 2010

Solidarity is the Tenderness of the Peoples
After 13 days in the notorious solitary confinement unit of the high security Victorville Penitentiary, Gerardo Hernandez has been moved back to the general population.

It was the immediate response by Cuba
and the voices of solidarity from all over the world to the inhumane conditions that Gerardo was being subjected to that was key to his release.

This is a small but significant victory and demonstrates once again the power of united actions against the face of injustice.

With that same spirit and that same strength let us multiply our actions until Gerardo, René, Ramón, Antonio and Fernando return to their beloved homeland and their love ones.

International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5

Stay tuned to our website with latest development on the case: www.thecuban5.org

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“Ningún pueblo de América Latina es débil, porque forma parte de una familia de doscientos millones de hermanos que padecen las mismas miserias, albergan los mismos sentimientos, tienen el mismo enemigo, sueñan todos un mismo mejor destino y cuentan con la solidaridad de todos los hombres y mujeres honrados del mundo entero.” (Segunda declaración de la Habana)

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