lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

Cispes informa...

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March 24, 2008
Solidarity greetings on this the 28th anniversary of the assassination on Monseñor Oscar Romero! Below is the announcement for an important CISPES delegation this summer, followed by some actions you can take through two of the national coalitions that CISPES is part of (the Latin America Solidarity Coalition and the Alliance for Responsible Trade.)

Also, a special thank you to all those who have sent messages of support to us in the weeks following the letter we received from the Department of Justice. We haven’t heard anything recently from the Bush Administration but we will keep you posted.

Que viva Romero y la lucha de los pueblos organizados!

-the CISPES National Office

CISPES Fact Finding Delegation to El Salvador: June 20-29, 2008
In the midst of a Latin American shift to the left, El Salvador just might be next in line! The Committee with the People of El Salvador continues to support REAL democracy and human rights in El Salvador, opposing U.S. intervention through institutions like the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) - an instrument for exporting repressive U.S. policing tactics – and the CAFTA free trade agreement. CISPES invites you join a summer fact-finding delegation to witness first hand the social movement inspiration behind the 2009 electoral process, while delving into the economic, political, and human right challenges that El Salvador is confronting prior its key upcoming elections!
2008 is a pre-electoral year in El Salvador but it already sure seems like the elections are right around the corner. U.S. intervention in support of the right wing ARENA party, as well as repression and political violence are expected to increase. In the 2004 presidential elections, the ARENA government declared that remittances from the US would be halted if the FMLN were to win the elections, a statement supported by U.S. representative Tom Tancredo, who threatened to introduce such a bill in Congress. Already this year, the popular elected FMLN mayor of the municipality of Alegría was assassinated. For the social movement and the FMLN this shows the level of violence, dirty tactics, and fear that will be used by the ARENA party. Meanwhile, recent reports by U.S. intelligence agencies show that our government’s interference can be expected throughout the rest of 2008.
CISPES has long solidarity relationships with the Salvadoran social movement. As the right wing government strives to demobilize the social movement and other Salvadorans with its fear campaign, our allies in El Salvador are asking for CISPES to come to El Salvador for a delegation that investigates the electoral reforms and the functioning of the ILEA, , as well as being presente to support the social movement. In order to accomplish this, we are especially looking for experienced and committed organizers, journalists, and teachers, to join this delegation.
This delegation will:
1) Meet with and show solidarity to our allies as they fight water privatization, the effects of CAFTA, and government repression, and support them in their work towards change in the upcoming elections.
2) Meet with human right offices and other institutions that have worked to denounce political violence and repression.
3) Produce a report about human rights abuses, government repression, and potential irregularities leading up to the 2009 elections
4) Generate media both in the US and El Salvador
5) Build alliances and project CISPES in the broader movement
To join this delegation, please contact your local CISPES committee, or reach the national office (202) 521-2510, for more information.
Close the SOA (and denounce the ILEA) - Sign the Petition to the Presidential Candidates – From the LASC
Given the way the primaries have been going, we are currently having more leverage with the U.S. presidential candidates than at any other time. Let's use it! Committing one or more of them to come out publicly for the closure of the School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC) is a realistic and attainable goal. Once the candidate is elected president, we can hold him or her accountable to follow through and to close the school by executive order.
Please sign the Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC) online petition about the School of the Americas to the presidential candidates here:
Take Action March 17-30 to Stop the U.S.-Colombia FTA Vote – From the Alliance for Responsible Trade
President Bush is threatening to force a vote on the Free Trade Agreement over the objection of Congressional leadership! Most recently, the Administration has said that it will be introduced immediately after the March recess.
Call or visit your members of Congress while they are home these next two weeks and ask them to oppose the President introducing the U.S. Colombia FTA. More info here:
Help CISPES continue its solidarity with El Salvador - go here to make your tax-deductible contribution today!

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, you may unsubscibe here© 2008 CISPES - The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El SalvadorCISPES National Office ph. 202-521-2510 1525 Newton St. NW, Wash. DC 20010

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“Ningún pueblo de América Latina es débil, porque forma parte de una familia de doscientos millones de hermanos que padecen las mismas miserias, albergan los mismos sentimientos, tienen el mismo enemigo, sueñan todos un mismo mejor destino y cuentan con la solidaridad de todos los hombres y mujeres honrados del mundo entero.” (Segunda declaración de la Habana)

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