Señor Felipe Calderon: A traves de la presente y desde mi Santuario, reciba saludos de bienvenida a Chicago, de nuestro pueblo mexicano indocumentado.
Mi nombre es Flor Crisóstomo; he vivido los ultimos 7 años de mi vida en este país. Me vi obligada a separarme de mis hijos a través de la crisis que acarreó NAFTA (TLCAN) a nuestro país México.
Actualmente me encuentro refugiada en la Iglesia Metodista Adalberto aquí en Chicago. El gobierno de los EE.UU. me considera una prófuga y una criminal por no aceptar lo que pretendían imponerme; el día 28 de Enero del año en curso me pedían que saliera del país y que no regresara.
Mi situación actual es solo un ejemplo de la represión que vivimos a diario los mas de 6 millones de mexicanos y nuestras familias en este pías, la xenofobia y la ignorancia de grupos supremaciota y de gobernantes inhumanos ha crecido en proporciones muy altas; la forma de actuar de estos grupos y la falta de compromiso del congreso de este país, mantiene al pueblo indocumentado viviendo en la oscuridad siendo perseguidos a diario, explotados y criminalizados; y sin formas de poder defendernos.
La ignorancia hacía lo que nosotros somos y aportamos; a esta nación y a nuestro país y viendo la falta de compromiso por parte de ambos gobiernos me obligaron a tomar acción.
Este acto de DESOBEDIENCIA CIVIL ante las leyes rotas de este país, esta dirigido a que el pueblo norteamericano vea y el congreso actúe.
Pedimos también a ambos gobiernos que se comprometan ante esta crisis.
Con este panorama, yo pregunto, ¿Está México preparado para recibir a los deportados y a sus familias? ¿Esta preparado para garantizar la educación a niños ciudadanos americanos? ¿O se va preparar para defenderlos de todos estos ataques? Ustedes tienen la seguridad de tener a sus familias, de mirar a sus hijos todos los días, pero nuestras familias migrantes, no tienen esa seguridad. No queremos que solamente nos escuchen.
queremos que actúen con firmeza para defender a nuestras familias migrantes en los Estados Unidos.
Queremos que un acuerdo migratorio sea prioridad en la agenda de México unido y muy especialmente que sea el asunto de mayor importancia en la agenda de nuestro gobierno mexicano.
Hacemos un llamado al gobierno mexicano a que cese toda negociación sobre comercio, inversiones, antinarcóticos, y seguridad con EE.UU. hasta que resuelva en forma adecuada la situación de los indocumentados y de sus familias.
Hacemos un llamado al gobierno mexicano a renegociar TLCAN ya que desde hace catorce años, ha sido el principal propulsor de la migración y separación de familias en México y de que se nos vea y trate como criminales en este país.
Hacemos un llamado a ambos gobiernos, a que se nos vea y se nos trate como seres humanos, con principios, valores familiares, y valores cristianos.
Tambien pedimos a nuestro gobierno a tomar en cuenta; que al no ser recivido por parte de este gobierno, manda el mensaje claro de falta de voluntad y compromiso ante esta crisis, y por tal motivo nuestro pueblo esta en recistencia.
Señor Presidente Felipe Calderón, no me despido de usted sin antes invitarle a llegar a mi humilde iglesia, el único lugar que me acogió, cuando dije que no aceptaría ser parte de unas leyes rotas que pretendían utilizarme como símbolo de miedo, con el fin de enviar el mensaje de la auto deportación a mi pueblo.
Los más de seis millones de mexicanos y nuestras familias; damos las gracias por su atención.
Iglesia Metodista Adalberto
2716 W. Division St.
Chicago Il. 60622
Today Tuesday February 12th President Calderon of Mexico and his advisors made a last minute decision to hear the words of Flor Crisostomo from sanctuary in Adalberto United Methodist Church who is in an act of Civil Disobedience defying a direct order of Deportation by Homeland Security. Emma Lozano President of Pueblo Sin Fronteras / Familia Latina Unida handed the President of Mexico Flor's letter after reading it at a special luncheon held at McCormick Pier with Mexican Leaders of Chicago and Mexico's President. "Although Sr. Calderon did not respond to Flor's demands to re-negotiate NAFTA and to put a stop to all agreements until the issue of the legalization of the undocumented Mexican in the U.S. is achieved, he did listen, now he needs to act." Sr. Calderon said we don't want to get involved in confrontations, but that's where it's at right now, when you are surrounded by Homeland Security agents with automatic weapons because your working at a job, I think that's confrontation, Sanctuary is a refuge." said Emma Lozano "We will continue to keep the pressure on to make America SEE, that we come here obligated by policies that
Mexico and the U.S. have created and then are called criminals. I will not be called a criminal, I left my children behind because I love them, and have to feed. Cloth, house and educate them, I am all they have, and I will not be called a criminal. It is hard enough to live without putting my arms around them, much harder to see the hunger in their eyes, because we live in poverty because NAFTA was a mistake. If the President doesn't meet with the current administration or the Presidential Candidates to tell the truth Hunger causes migration, NAFTA causes hunger!!!! Flor Crisostomo. The Hispanic Congressional Caucus has offered a temporary solution to stop the raids deportations, no-match firings by developing a bill that would provide 5-year visas for those working in this country now, before the presidential elections.
Familia Latina Unida/Sin Fronteras
"Santuario 08"
Mr. Felipe Calderon: By means of this letter and from my place in Sanctuary, I send you greetings and a welcome to Chicago from our undocumented Mexican people.
My name is Flor Crisosotomo; I have lived the last 7 years of my life in this country. I had to part from my children because of the crisis that NAFTA has created for our homeland, Mexico.
At present I am in refuge in the Adalberto United Methodist Church here in Chicago. The government of the United States considers me a fugitive and a criminal because I won't accept what they are trying to make me do; on January 28 of the present year I was supposed to leave the country and not come back.
My present situation is an example of the repression which we more than 6 million Mexicans live daily in this country. The xenophobia and the ignorance of supremacist groups and inhumane officials have grown very great; the way that these groups behave and the lack of commitment by the Congress of this country keeps the undocumented people living in the shadows and being persecuted, exploited and criminalized on a daily basis without any means of defending ourselves.
The ignorance about who we are and what we contribute to this country and our own and the seeming lack of commitment to solve the problem on the part of both governments has obliged me to take action.
This act of CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE toward the broken laws of this country has the purpose of making the U.S. people see and the Congress act. We also ask both governments that they commit themselves to deal with this crisis.
With this panorama, I ask: Is
Mexico prepared to receive the deported and their families? Is Mexico ready to guarantee the education of children who are US citizens? Or is it prepared to defend us against these attacks? You have the security of having your families, to look into your children's eyes every day, but we migrant families don't have that security. We don't want you to merely listen; we want you to act with firmness to defend the immigrant families in the United States.
We want an agreement on immigration to be a priority in a united Mexico and especially that it be a matter of outstanding importance on the agenda of our Mexican government.
We call on the Mexican government to stop all negotiations with the United States about trade, investments, fighting the narcotics trade and security until there is a satisfactory resolution of the problem of the undocumented and their families.
We call on the Mexican government to renegotiate
NAFTA which, for 14 years, has been the principal driving force of emigration and separation of families in Mexico, and that we not be treated as criminals in this country.
We call on both governments to look upon us and treat us as human beings with principles, family values and Christian values.
We also ask that our government consider that if this is not received by this government, it sends a clear message of lack of will and commitment to end this crisis, and for this reason our people is in resistance.
Mr. President Felipe Calderon, I will not sign off without inviting you to come to my humble church, the only place that took me in when I said I would have no part of laws which tried to use me as a symbol of fear, with the purpose of telling my people that they should "self-deport".
We, the more than six million Mexicans and our families, thank you for your attention.
Adalberto United Methodist Church
2716 W. Division St.
Chicago Ill. 60622
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“Ningún pueblo de América Latina es débil, porque forma parte de una familia de doscientos millones de hermanos que padecen las mismas miserias, albergan los mismos sentimientos, tienen el mismo enemigo, sueñan todos un mismo mejor destino y cuentan con la solidaridad de todos los hombres y mujeres honrados del mundo entero.” (Segunda declaración de la Habana)
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